Thursday, April 14, 2011

Scene One, Part One

Time: 11:00 pm
Setting: Bethany and Nicole sitting on Bethany's bed playing Boggle. 
Nicole: "I like to watch the sand in the hourglass."
Bethany: "I like it when you look at the sand too."
...Guess who won that game? 

A few minutes later we went into the kitchen to find something to eat.
Here in Mexico, milk is sold in non-refrigerated boxes. Yes I know that's really weird, but it does taste perfectly normal. Except when you pour yourself a glass not knowing it was just put in the fridge and isn't cold yet. 
That's what happened just now. Rice Krispies + Room Temp Milk=Nasty
I'm not really into putting ice into my cereal, but apparently Nicole is fine with it. 
Also, there is something hilariously funny about talking with Rice Krispies in your mouth. 
I don't know what it is, but every time Nicole opens her mouth, I lose it. 
I laugh my head off, like this. 


Couture by Cassia said...

Sounds like boredom:-p aaauuughhh I wish I could see hahaha

Anonymous said...

You can't see Kassia? Lol. OH you mean you wish you could have been there to share the crazy fun :) Well I wish so too! Hahahahaa :P
....ALTHOUGH... someone most likely would have gotten hurt.... hehe ;)

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