At the red light.
We got a mini gymnastics show.
We got a mini gymnastics show.
Not too exciting, I know. It's not even FUNNY! Blah. I've been packing up my room, getting it ready to take over to the house, maybe that's why I can't think of anything humorous. I packed my funny bone.
Oh ya. Here's something cute Austin said:
The other night I was complaining about how I was so cold at night and that I couldn't snuggle with Austin, b/c he had fallen asleep in my room with only his boxers on...not his fuzzy, warm jammies. And whenever Austin goes to sleep...he gets all clammy. It's not pleasant. I had to conjure up my own warmth.
So last night I was listening to Odyssey (did you know they are getting a new Mr. Whittaker?!?!). So I was laying down listening to Odyssey when Austin came in and said in his cute little voice, "You wanna snuggle? I'm not clammy tonight."Aaaw! Get over here you little boogie bear!
Ok, so about Whit. We found out a few days ago that Focus on the Family/Adventures in Odyssey is getting a new Whit!! Paul Herlinger has some kind of health problems so...ya.
So the night before last, after I found out, I had a dream that I met him and he was Oriental. Nice guy, but he doesn't even SOUND like the real Whit. I heard an exerpt on
I'm not the only one mourning over this. Nicole is pretty distraught too.
I mean, imagine popping an old episode...listening to it, then popping in the new one. It's like a different show, completely. We should start a protest. They could do like they did when the 1st Whit died, ya know, and do another "Search for Whit". Like do a bunch of episodes w/o him, then find the RIGHT voice and hire HIM. I'm just so depressed about all of this.
Hey, if we have to have a new Whit, let's just have him have a mid-life crisis, then he decides that he doesn't want to live in Odyssey anymore. Then Wooten can be the main character!
He's my favorite, hands down! much for not having anything to write about.
hey its mari from fresno... i mish you guys mucho!!! email me then maybe we can keep in touch...
kk hope to see u soon !!!!
Very nice cabinets. I like the story about Austin's statement he wasn't clammy. Cracked me up!
What! A new Mr. Whit??? Aw, it was so hard getting used to Whit #2. But, they've made a few other character changes I had a hard time getting used to - such as Katrina and Mary Barcly.
Ya know those "word verification" are so weird. This time I had to type indegi. Just saying as an added note. LOL!
Well, I was so young, I didn't even notice that they had gotten a new Whit, that 2nd one I mean. But you know the recent change that is really annoying? BART RATHBONE!! The 1st actor died. That's sad, but at least they had a good excuse for replacing him.
And I feel the same way about the INDEGI. LOL...word verification, whatever. But thank you for going thru such torment to leave us that comment. You are too nice!
PS-We really do appreciate you!
(I have to type 'enthest'.) huh.
New Whit!??! That's like losing a family member! :o)
PS....The cabinets look very nice!! Mucho storage space!
Oh my word... me too... the new Whit just doesn't fit! He chuckles waayy too :) Nice dream lol....nice cabinets and cute story about Austin :)
Love and miss you gurlies!
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