Today is Bro. Mario Garcia's birthday! (Elder Wakefield's assistant pastor) A few days ago we celebrated his birthday at our Grandparents house with the Wakefield families and a few other church members. The Garcias are a very great family that we love being around. One of me and Bethany's favorite things to do is hang out with them and play CLUE! :)) Unfortunately they didn't bring the game this time... Well, here are some pictures of the party.
Elder Sis. Wakefield (Grama) and Bethany

Elder Wakefield carving the roast beef and Nicole...smiling...

The humongous, adorable Rambo begging for a treat to be thrown from the kitchen window.

...Getting ready to eat...Don't you just love the looks of anticipation?

Nicole and Sis.Hayde Garcia (Assistant pastor's wife)

Bro. Birthday Boy/Assistant Pastor and Bro. Wakefield talking.

Elder Wakefield talking to one of his younger saints.
Hi Bethany, and Nicole,
I love seeing whats going on in Mexico! It is very interesting and encouraging to see what God is doing all over the world! We sure miss you wonderful girls and all your family over in Mexico! Hope to see you all soon.
Love, Sis. DeAro
Hey,Great blog. Glad to hear what is happening. We will see you all on Wed. Love you mucho, Gramma W
Gracias por icluirnos. Es muy bonito su blog y tambien es bonito ver lo que Dios esta haciendo por ustedes. Por favor mandame esa foto con Nicole me encanta, me veo tan...... FLACA!!!!.
Hna. Hayde
Hola, a la flaca 'sweaty heart'!
Ok, se lo voy a mandar.
Pero no tengo su email. :( Pero quizas mi mama lo tiene.
Quiere saber algo? Manana voy a ir con Dolores al Zocalo...en un autobus! Estoy danzando de alegria. :) (Tenemos que comprar cosas para la "Escuelita".)
Muchos besos como los popis,
BETHANY!!!! I miss you! I can't believe it! I'm getting married in EIGHT days!I miss you so much! I wish you could be at the wedding!! I LOVE YOU! I hope you're doing well!
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