Monday, September 21, 2009

Bus Ministry and Mo'

Funny Story:

The last time I went over to Dolores' house to do Sunday school and so she could show me how to make some 'good groceries'.
So we walked down to the corner store to get a couple of chicken bullion cubes. Two in a little cardboard box. She gave the little box to Judah (see his pic below) to hold while we walked back.
By the time we got back to the house he had chewed off a (TINY!) corner of it. So Dolores runs in the house (like it's some kind of emergency). I get in just in time to see her shove a big-O spoonful of oil in his mouth!!! I was like...what in the WORLD are you DOING?! She said, "He ate a piece of cardboard and it'll stick to his insides and he'll get indigestion if I don't do this." So I told her, "It's just paper, deary." But she continued to do what I guess is her little "Oil Cure Ritual".
She rubbed, rubbed, rubbed his chest and his legs and cheeks.
Then she TURNED HIM UPSIDE DOWN and shook him for a couple seconds. Then laid him back down, bopped him on his booty, turned to me and said, "Ok!" Like, "So where were we?"
And I'm standing there...dumbstruck.

I went over to her house again today. I learned to make Chicken with Chipotle sauce. So good.
Anyways, we went downtown to the Zocalo. It's the CENTER CENTER CENTER of town where there are a gazillion people and lots to see. And we just happen to run into a few "aint's" from church... we won't go there...
Then the bus ride home...
Ok, I don't scare easily, but I was hangin' on for dear life! We're going down these pot-holed NARROW cobblestone streets. 50 miles an hour, NO SHOCKS, I'm sitting on the LAST row, and our lovely driver is swerving like a maniac all around the other cars and pedestrians. Oh dear LORD!! The only thing to hang onto was the open window's ledge. So I was, but I was scared I was going to get my fingers scraped off--that's how close the other cars were. And I'm trying to talk above the roar of the wind, my hair's flying every which way and I can't think of how to say what I want...
Those poor fellow passengers. They got an earful, I'm sure.
There's no such thing as "Bus Etiquette". The polite thing to do is get on quickly, and while the driver takes off, try not to land in the person's lap in front of you. Try doing this in heels and a high hair do. It gets a little wild.
You can't even win wearing flip flops. You go to get off and accidentally leave one on the bus.

Anyways...I digress. (Whatever THAT means.)

Unfortunately I forgot the camera!! I'm walking thru the streets downtown thinking, "This would be great for the blog!!" Oh well. Next time.

Hey, Aunt Darlene, I drank my Chai. Can you tell?


Anonymous said...

Miss Beth!!! You KILL US!!! What a TALENTED WRITER/STORYTELLER you are!!
It makes us miss you SO MUCH MORE!!
I have been reading your blogs to Uncle Mike, and Adrianna. She and I agree that you must be related to Junie B!!!
Aunt Darlene~~

The Wakefields: Missionaries to Mexico said...

OH MY GOODNESS! That's funny that you say that b/c I was thinking about her the other day. "On account of"...Well, on account of YOU reading those books to us, I am now a better story teller. Ha!!
I love you guys mucho and tell Aubrey and AdriaNNa I said hi.
(I dreamed about all of you guys last night, by the way.)


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