Pastor Curtis Wakefield (Gringo) putting the Mexican flag on top of the church.
Let's get this shindig started!!
Austin being funny.
Mom TRYING to be funny. ;)
Yummy cupcakes!
(Nicole made 'em.)
"Shame on you, Nicole!! Sneaking a taquito before the people arrive!"
The kids playing that game where you tie a balloon around your ankle and try not to get it popped while popping everyone else's.
Playing "Who Can TP the Other Person the Fastest?"
Otherwise, being shamefully wasteful.
No really, when we were about to leave, the little girl w/ dimples (in one of these pics down here) came up to me and asked if we were going to use the pile of toilet paper. I said no so she got a bag, stuffed it all in there and took it home to use. 
...Austin ended up beating himself. He stepped on his own. Haha!!

Nicole balancing an egg on the end of a spoon.
The Joiners in Belize taught us this really fun game. It's called Itchy Itchy Boo Boo.
So me and Javier get 2 spoons each I hit the spoons together saying Itchy Itchy Boo Boo. Up in the air, down low. Stand up, tap, tap, tap. Itchy Itchy Boo Boo.
I think its even funnier to do it here...where the people don't speak English. Javier was concentrating so hard on trying to pronounce the words that it took him a couple seconds to realize that he had sat back down...on a sopping, wet rag! Oooh...I loved that shocked look!

Donut on a string. This is actually kind of a really gross game. Men stuffing their faces, trying to fit as much of the donut in their mouths as possible...
And I share a mic with this man in church!!
...Never again...

Oh, this is another one game that Haley Joiner taught us.
2 with ash caked on the bottom. I get the clean cup, Alejandra got the one with the black bottom. "Do exactly as I do," I said.
So I dip my finger in the water, run it around the rim of the cup, and run my finger down my face. Repeat this a few times, then circle the bottom of the cup and wipe your face. Over and over again until the persons face has black streaks all over. :)
Thanks Haley!

It was raining outside so we had to be ingenious with the bottle rockets. We found that if you put one in one of the swirly circles on the gate and light will shoot perfectly into the people's yard across the street! You shoulda' SEEN those cats running!
Lol! Well, after a couple time we started tipping them more towards the sky.

Up, up, and AWAY!

This is what the church looked like after setting off fireworks for a couple hours. Cough, cough.
We had quite a time though. We only quit after there were no more fireworks left, we accidentaly caught a bag of cement on fir and Nicole and I had both burned the tips of our fingers, had fireworks land on our heads, and scare us half to death. I got my toes burnt by sparks and my leg scraped up. A sparkler...sparkled out of control and started spraying all over Nicole and I. I covered my face...but Nicole started jumping and squealing...and pushed me over into the concrete stairs...hence the scraped up leg.

"HA! Oh ya...that was a good one..."

We had an unexpected visitor...
I felt bad so I tossed him a couple pieces of chicken...which the people just could NOT believe.
I was "wasting good food."
"Oh my goodness! Did I just DO that?! What was I thinking?"
Wasting. Again.

Nicole and Dolores eating and talking.
Nicole balancing an egg on the end of a spoon.
The Joiners in Belize taught us this really fun game. It's called Itchy Itchy Boo Boo.
So me and Javier get 2 spoons each I hit the spoons together saying Itchy Itchy Boo Boo. Up in the air, down low. Stand up, tap, tap, tap. Itchy Itchy Boo Boo.
I think its even funnier to do it here...where the people don't speak English. Javier was concentrating so hard on trying to pronounce the words that it took him a couple seconds to realize that he had sat back down...on a sopping, wet rag! Oooh...I loved that shocked look!
Donut on a string. This is actually kind of a really gross game. Men stuffing their faces, trying to fit as much of the donut in their mouths as possible...
And I share a mic with this man in church!!
...Never again...
Oh, this is another one game that Haley Joiner taught us.
2 with ash caked on the bottom. I get the clean cup, Alejandra got the one with the black bottom. "Do exactly as I do," I said.
So I dip my finger in the water, run it around the rim of the cup, and run my finger down my face. Repeat this a few times, then circle the bottom of the cup and wipe your face. Over and over again until the persons face has black streaks all over. :)
Thanks Haley!
It was raining outside so we had to be ingenious with the bottle rockets. We found that if you put one in one of the swirly circles on the gate and light will shoot perfectly into the people's yard across the street! You shoulda' SEEN those cats running!
Lol! Well, after a couple time we started tipping them more towards the sky.
Up, up, and AWAY!
This is what the church looked like after setting off fireworks for a couple hours. Cough, cough.
We had quite a time though. We only quit after there were no more fireworks left, we accidentaly caught a bag of cement on fir and Nicole and I had both burned the tips of our fingers, had fireworks land on our heads, and scare us half to death. I got my toes burnt by sparks and my leg scraped up. A sparkler...sparkled out of control and started spraying all over Nicole and I. I covered my face...but Nicole started jumping and squealing...and pushed me over into the concrete stairs...hence the scraped up leg.
"HA! Oh ya...that was a good one..."
We had an unexpected visitor...
I felt bad so I tossed him a couple pieces of chicken...which the people just could NOT believe.
I was "wasting good food."
"Oh my goodness! Did I just DO that?! What was I thinking?"
Wasting. Again.
Nicole and Dolores eating and talking.
And Dansito having fun with the doingy hat. 
Now let's have some good church on Sunday!!
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