Saturday, April 21, 2012

Beware: This Might Gross You Out

After church last night, Sis. Elvira invited us over to eat rabbit "al mojo de ajo" (garlic rabbit). She was going to teach us how to prepare it. I knew this would be an interesting experience so off we went, camera in hand! 

Here is the rabbit, all skinned and washed in the bag, bought and brought from another family from church.
Looks verrrry mysterious!
 Totally unfeigned look of shock on my face as Sis. Elvira dumped the rabbit out into the bowl. It was a beast!!!

The rabbit's last valiant attempt to show everyone who's boss: stuck it's tongue out.

 Oooh la la! It looks exactly like a chicken, but totally different! :)

Hacking it up into smaller chunks of rabbit

Sis Vero grinding the garlic in a stone bowl

After cutting it all up, we washed it with salt

Then we poured the garlic over the meat

...and boiled it...

We also made green salsa

Here is the meat, all fried and ready!

Nicole and her rabbit leg

Praying for our food

Nicole laughing as I pray for us not to get sick

 My plate

And After!
 It was actually very tasty! It was a little tougher than chicken, but with the salsa, beans and It was finger-lickin' GROOD!



Tselot "Coco" Kifle said...

This hilarious!!!
You gals really do have a great blog!

Jennifer Connell said...

Oh. My. Goodness. lol
You guys are brave!! I don't know if I would go down that road...haha! The bravest I've gotten was fried alligator...

amygardner said...

My son is very, VERY sorry to have missed such a fanTAStic adventure. He is positively morose. My daughter...not so much. lol.

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