Thursday, February 25, 2010

We Love Construction

I love this blessed sound of hammers banging against concrete...
...the sound of gravel and dirt being shoveled...
...Israel, Armando, and the other guys' voices downstairs...

The guys are here and they are pouring the patio in front of the church. It's gonna be niiiice. I just went down and took some 'before' pictures to post after everything is done.

Since Monday we have been painting the inside of the house. It's funny how paint can make stuff look SO much better. After living here for 5 months with just plain cement walls, now things are looking mighty schnazzy!
Since a post isn't really a post w/o pictures...
Here's Nicole with her rolly paintbrush. We were all deeply entranced, listening to Glenn Beck's speech that he gave at CPAC last week. I was putting tape around the frame of the front door. Obviously someone was too much into listening and not really paying attention to PAINTING because suddenly...
I get slammed over the head with a paintbrush....
Ok...I gotta go 'help' the guys...


Anonymous said...

Isn't funny how some people will do ANYTHING to wear make-up? Did you ask her to "hit" you on the other side, so it would match, and be equal, and "too bad" the paint won't come off for at least three days...

Aunt Darlene~~

The Wakefields: Missionaries to Mexico said...

Yep, this should be the new style, a white chunk of paint in your hair. Lol!!
Love you!


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