Elder Wakefield's assistant pastor's brother (Irvin Garcia), who pastors in Mexico City came over to Puebla to preach our youth service. It was so good!
Bro. Dad, Hno. Mario, and his brother Isai.
We had a FULL house.
At the end, Hno. Irvin invited all the young people that hadn't yet gotten the Holy Ghost to come up front. About 8 kids went up. Then the the adults came up behind them and we started to pray...
This lady's son, David, was first invited to church by Eduardo about 3 months ago. He came faithfully for about a month, then we didn't see him for a few weeks. Then he showed up last Sunday and cried and prayed in the altar. On Friday his mom and 2 siblings showed up. She was sooo close to getting the Holy Ghost, hopefully she comes back to church today.

Isai playing at alter call, then...
We had a gooood time!
Then we hung out and ate nachos.
THEN...after everyone left, Hno. Irvin and his wife and family came upstairs. It was so late, there were no restaurants open or anyplace we could eat at and we really didn't have food in the fridge.
(This is Irvin and Sandra and their 'boy and girl twins', born 2 months ago. Un-named, as of yet.)
(Am I the only one that thinks Irvin looks like a tanned Jay Leno?)
So we sat around waiting for Bro. Dad to get home from taking all the wet young people home.
Us: "What could we eat? There's nothing, really..."
Mario: "Your gramma makes this thing that I looove. What's it called? Uhhh...fre-anshh toesss?"
Us: "Huh?"
Mario: "It's like bread with syrup. Fre-ashhh toesss."
Everyone: "OH!! French toast!"
It was 12:30am, time for breakfast anyways. So we at french toast, eggs, Coke, and Mexican sweet bread.
Bro. Dad, Sis. Mom, and Sis. Nicole went over to Mexico City this morning to preach at Hno. Irvin's church. AndSOthen...Elder Wakefield is coming over to preach for us. Yeeeee-haw!