Our city-Puebla.
The view from the our front window.

Bad Idea: The guys are upstairs doing the electricity.
Nicole says, "You wanna sing?"
"Sure", I say.
So Nicole goes back to flip on the electricity.
*Flicker, Flicker* Then...nothing.
Hmm, what was that, I wonder? Then the guys start screaming and we hear this BUZZ!!
Haha, just kidding! No, everything just got real quiet, then Armando came downstairs, peeked in to look at the breaker, laughed at our expressions then went back upstairs. Ha!

Nicole showing off her talent.

Nicole, about to read her text. :)
PREACH it, Sistah!
Haha. We're having a Sword Drill.

"Jesus" and his (13-haha) disciples.
Trying to follow Jesus while looking back. It doesn't work!

Nicole translating for Austin.

...Nicole praying with the kids.
What is it? Nicole Day or something?
Well, all the good pics happen to have her in them. And I was the appointed picture-taker.
Austin praying.
Israel's look is like, "What are you DOING?!"
Anyways, Austin really got touched in Friday's youth service. Afterwards he came and hugged me for a long time, still crying. He said he was crying because "I want to be like Jesus so I can go to heaven." By the way, he got the Holy Ghost last year at the Arkansas campmeeting in Pastor Holmes' church. It was awesome!!

Marisol getting a blessing.
Her husband is Juan, and he teaches the youth services every other Friday. Him and Pastor take turns.

Today, bright and early we went out to the house to get it ready to move in. (In about a week.)
We had to paint sealer on the walls so moisture doesn't seep in.
And let me tell ya: We are NOT painters. We bought a 5-gallon thing of sealer, put it on the walls and THEN read the directions. "Mix with water." No WONDER that stuff was so hard to spread!
My muscles were quivering.

Nicole painting the ceiling.

I went around and put tape over all the light switches and on the edge of the windows to keep 'em safe and clean. Such a noble job. :)
Like my totally fashionable tape bracelets?

Arturo is SUCH a good "big brother" (cousin). Dolores came over to help paint and the boys did so well keeping an eye on Judah. Pushing him in the stroller until he fell asleep, making faces at him, entertaining him, and putting his shoe back on when he kicked them off.

Israel and Armando put the door back on our bathroom. And I just realized I forgot to flip this picture. Oops.

We walked down the street for lunch and got carnitas and cemitas. This is a vat of boiling grease. The 3 strainers have meat, some odd mixture, and pure pig fat.

Everyone except for me tasted the pig fat. It looks like worms!!
(How am I doing, Sis. McElhaney? Lol!)

Slimy, almost slithering, shiny, fatty, gross, nasty, jello-ish, repulsive, greasy, squeaky, blubbery, and germy. Someone throw me a thesaurus!

This one is the best! Before we went out to the church we had to run out to Home Depot to buy the sealer. We three sat in the car and sang patriotic songs. (Don't get me started!) We were teaching Austin a couple new ones, explaining the new terms like, "Old Glory", "Uncle Sam", and how "God shed his grace on thee". I think with us being here for Mexico's Independence Day and having missed consecutively a lot of Fourth of Julys, it makes us get all sappy and more thankful that we are from the BEST country! We are Americans and PROUD OF IT!!
This doesn't really have anything to do with this picture, come to think of it...
So Mom and Dad got back to the car, and Mom was bearing a peace offering (it was a long wait!) of hot popcorn. Nicole socked me the last time I licked the (community) popcorn so when Mom handed this one to me, I turned away real fast to get my one lick in, then passed it back to Austin. And HE DID THE SAME THING!!! Is this universal or something?!?! I thought I was the only one that ate it like this. So we had Mom take a picture of us eating our popcorn together.
Ya, Nicole says we should get a bumper sticker that says, "Honk If You Lick Your Popcorn!"

Bethany, Austin, and Nicole
"I lick my popcorn too, but NOT the community one!" -Nicole W.
Ha, well we showed her. Let's give a shout out to Nicole for sacrificing getting 'germed' for a cute picture.
And isn't Austin's tongue so ADORABLE?! Or is it just a sister thing? :))