Monday, March 23, 2015

Sunday School

Yesterday we had a great Sunday school class! There are Sundays where everyone is participating and the teachers are prepared and know what they are supposed to do... The kids are excited and have brought visitors... Candy bags are made and ready to go - yesterday was one of those days! We had a good group of kids and three new visitors. 
Sis. Marisol teaching on being persistent in prayer

Little princesses
It was so funny - last week in the Sunday school meeting everyone was deciding what job they were going to take. Bro. Valentin piped up excitedly and informed everyone that it was his turn to teach the lesson. He was put down on the schedule to do so, but a few minutes later, while skimming the lesson, he suddenly burst into laughter. He has a fairly booming voice so the Sunday school meeting came to a bit of a halt when he exclaimed, "Awwww man! I gotta wear my pajamas while I teach!" Too bad Bro. Valentin - you already called it! :)
Angry bird pajama pants :)

The lesson was called "A Visitor in the Night" 

The boys working on their craft

The girls working on their craft

Dad and I having a "great minds think alike" moment

Nicole giving out prizes to the kids that have the most points. (They earn points by bringing visitors, memorizing verses, etc.)

And I'll close with this picture of Jack. This is what he did for most of the preaching - hung half of his body out the window and stared at people in the congregation. Fortunately, this is Mexico. Things like this don't really faze the people. We had a great service anyhow!


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