Monday, July 7, 2014

Pacific Coast Camp 2014 Part 4

Pictures from the last day of camp!

I have hardly any pictures from Friday, the last full day of camp, probably due to the fact that my disposition was giving me (and everyone else) problems and instead of going to sports, I took a Five consecutive days of going to sleep at 2am and waking up at 7am makes one irritable! My ochlophobia was bothering me, as was my ataxophobia and halitophobia, (I actually only get these phobias on the last day of camps/sleepovers) and the realization that one whole bag of cherries had gone bad amidst a famine of fresh produce......that was really, really sad.

So instead of more pictures on this first part of the post, just imagine taking a nice, long nap after being in a desert of exhaustion for a while. If I recall correctly, it was pretty awesome! Zzzzz...

Now onto the latter part of the day........

The Friday night service started out with awards! I don't know who's team these are, but I'm sure somebody out there will enjoy these pictures of random people! You never know the blessing you can be to some young girl out there that is searching everywhere for a picture of her crush....he may be in these pictures! I'm publishing in faith.

Sis. Hood singing "Through It All" 
After church, we retreated to our refuge that was the Bray's trailer for a time of food, fellowship, and arm wrestling. Arm wrestling makes for some great facial expressions, as demonstrated by these two cousins...


Cherie and I had a 4 course meal this particular night! Started with an hors d'oeuvre of cheese sticks, then an appetizer of chips and dip, then the main course of Apple Jacks. Dessert - a cinnamon roll! WOAH! Now *that's* what I call some "squares"! (Cherie and I look like we are arm wrestling, but actually we are just pigging out).

Cherie, Sista Victoria Hood, mystery girl, and Stephanie



Kathy McElhaney said...

So glad you came to camp this year! Even though one of you didn't make it to Burbank ;)

Dacia Loa said...

"Mystery Girl" is Jenny! :D

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