Saturday, July 5, 2014

Pacific Coast Camp 2014 Part 3

Pacific Coast pictures from Wednesday and Thursday...great memories! 

Watching a football game
Our solution to being excluded from the minister's dinners: a PK Potluck! We brought homemade cookies, the Marchbanks girls brought watermelon, Alissa brought beans and tortillas, Catalyn brought drinks, Jen brought fruit salad, tri-tip, and barbeque beans. The Bray boys brought chips and salsa, and Ace......just mooched, pretty much. Oh, and also he was the "napkin ministry". Haha! 
Anything for a good picture

Nicole and Denae

A way of commemorating the PK potluck...

...and possibly practicing for future marriage ceremonies! :)

Andrew thinking he is very hilarious, Cherie being confused, and Stephanie ready with a GREAT comeback! An average afternoon in the lunch line hahaha! 

Waiting in the lunch line.
 We were all singing loudly "Zacheus was a wee little man and a wee little man was he! He climbed up in a sycamore tree...." We sang it at the top of our lungs until we reached the door of the cafeteria...then we were besought by a lunch lady, "Please don't do that in here..." Oh dear. 


Looks like Danae was socking it to Carson! 

The awesome choir! 

Bro. Hood - the night speaker

Altar call

Jedidah, me, Cherie, and Stephanie

Staff basketball team! 

One of my favorite parts of camp! The national anthem before the start of the game. 

Sista Cara Wilkins sent this cookie for the minister's kid potluck, but we did not get it until later that day. When we were finally able to dig into it, IT WAS DELICIOUS! Woah! It was amazing. I was kind of glad to have gotten it later - it was the perfect treat. YUM! 


Anonymous said...

The Wakefields: Missionaries to Mexico said...

Aww man, Cara! I accidentally just deleted your comment! WHOOPS. But I wish you couldn't gone too...and that cookie was deeeelicious :)


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