On Thursday we went up to a little village called Obregon to have a service with some family of some family of our church here. Here are some pictures :)
Nicole eating a mango
My favorite fruit...Mmmmmm :)
The goal is to peel it and eat it in a way that your hands do not get dirty.
The people here eat with tortillas instead of forks so they are pretty good at it.
One of the ladies from church that went up to Obregon with us really liked my velvet shoes.
I think for an hour straight she rubbed my shoe.... awkward...haha just kidding ...
I guess that's what I get for not staying on "my side" of the car... :P
Hopefully ya'll can get my drift but...
The eople-pay from my urch-chay ead-ray this og-blay.
So I gotta be sorta sly here....
The man from our church that came with us knew my dad likes Carnitas. (Pork tacos).
I'm not too crazy about pork on account of getting food poisening once from pork, but hey. I don't wanna rain on anyone's parade...right?
So we pull over at this tent/restauant and sit down. The lady immediately brings us a sample of "cuero de marrano".
This is pig skin boiled in oil. But not that crunchy stuff...This is gooey.
I ag-gay when I see this...
No joke...they shave the pig skins first then boil it.
But you can still see and feel the pokey hairs beneath the surface.
*Jiggle, jiggle*
So the man from our church ordered a big-O plate of this stuff....
And in Mexico, it is rude to refuse food or not eat what is served to you.
I think this is one part of the culture that I struggle most with.
Nicole and Dad were troopers, but I took a little bite of that slimy stuff and totally did the dog shake.
So this was my taco. Sneaky huh? :p
Avacado with lime :)
Nicole and her taco.
When we prayed for our food, of course we said our usual "God, please kill the germs in this food and don't let us get sick" prayer. But I added something new...
"God, bring dogs to our table..."
And what do ya know...I look into the sunset and could see dogs running from all directions toward our humble little tent/restaurant.
Even God didn't like pork ... (See Deut 14:8)
Mom did not come with us, but I didn't want her to miss out on this special experience so I cut a little mol-ey off the pig skin to bring home for her.
Pork love
Oh goodness...
This was one of the weirdest days ever...
When we got to Obregon, we walked into the people's yard and hanging from the tree in their yard were two skinned skunks.
We asked them what they were for and they told us that they are going to boil them then eat them because they are full of vitamins and help with Anemia.
Also, when their kids get sick they boil the dried out skunk and rub it on their kids' skin.
I think now would be a good time for us all to stop reading for a moment and give thanks to God that we were not born in Obregon....
**.......Moment of silence......**
The skunks' skins
El Pastor teaching on the oneness
These people only have one plug in their house and it is in the light bulb in the ceiling.
Thus the guitar.
Their turkeys sleep in the tree
When we got back home I checked on my Mom's souvenir.
It had turned black and shriveled up. Bummer.