Monday, April 11, 2016

Spring Break Overview

Hello, hello!

This spring break has felt like it has lasted a very long time - in a good way. We've done so much, been through so much - ha! We had a week of break and conference and visitor preparation. Then we had three glorious days of conference in Mexico City at Pastor Isai's church. I am looking forward to blogging about that! When we got home we had a couple days left to spend with the May family. We were so happy to have the entire family to visit us! We had a wonderful time. After that week, we had one more week of no school. Wednesday of this past week Nicole and I went to Elder Wakefield's church - we were asked to speak about Sunday school, motivate people to get involved, and talk about the success we've had in our own Sunday school. I think it went pretty well - if no one else was inspired, I was! Sunday school WORKS!
Here is where I start inserting random pictures for those of you that can't handle reading more than 3 sentences at a time - LOL. During spring break we got a flat tire - and we blew it back up with this little air pump!
I got to FaceTime with little Miss Avonlee during spring break! She totally brightened my day. She's such a cutie - if you say, "Ohhhhhh, Jesus" and start praying, she'll raise her hands and do the same. Oh my word! I was squealing from the cuteness.
This past Thursday was when the real excitement started! (You might not want to continue reading if you have a sensitive stomach.) Austin started complaining Thursday morning about his eyeballs hurting. We dragged him all over town - poor guy - until the evening. Nicole and I were enjoying our spring break - haha! When we got home I gave him some Tylenol and sent him to bed. He woke Nicole and I up at 2:30 the next morning complaining of being cold and shivering violently. He ended up coming down with an awful fever for 24 hours. It was pretty miserable, but Nicole and I joked that it could be worse! At least he wasn't projectile vomiting.......................

WELL! The trial of our faith is much more precious that gold! Apparently Nicole and I needed some testing because the vomiting began about an hour later. LOL.

Half the population of our churches are now fighting the same thing Austin had - the weird thing is, everyone that's had it says it starts with their eyeballs hurting. I woke up Sunday morning with the eyeball thing, but I'm on the mend now. Thankfully, I escaped what we now are referring to as the Great Fever.

Nicole and I went to the dentist....I hate the dentist. I always have disliked them, but this most recent one has literally made me RUUUUUUUE THE DAY. Until about 6 months ago (and my first visit to this dentist) my teeth were just fine and never gave me any problem. Sigh. I literally cried in the dentist chair last week. Embarrassing, but...I could not help it. However, we have gotten a few yummy chocolate shakes out of the deal, so ... that's nice. At least no one projectile vomited HAHAHA (P.S. - I'm never going back to her.)

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