Friday, April 19, 2013

Our New Baby Girl

Monday evening Nibya Elisa Garcia was born. She came a month and a half early and weighs 2 lbs, 9 oz. We are asking all of you to please keep her in your prayers. She is on a respirator. The doctors are saying she has infection all throughout her body and her intestines are not fully developed. We need a miracle!
For those who have been down here and know the people, this is Elder Wakefield's assistant pastor's baby. If you've read this blog for any amount of time, you've seen our Tio Mario, Tia Hayde, and our evangelista Abner. Please keep this family in your prayers and our new baby girl, Elisa. As you can imagine, this is extremely hard for all of us.

Abner looking at a picture of his baby sister. He's already in love with her.



Kendra Thaler said...

I will pray!!!

Anali V said...

Praying !

Notions from Nonny said...

Praying for the baby and the family!

God Bless!

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