This is Bro. Mario holding our house warming gift. Yeah... this gift was me and Bethany's idea :P
He is known for lamenting certain people's overuse of toilet paper.
Bethany has this story:
One time at one of our main conferences, Elder Sis. Wakefield asked him to run down to the store to pick up some T.P. He came back with a 4 pack. He said 2 rolls for each bathroom should be enough (for a 2 day conference). I just want to know if he would be willing to stand at the door of the bathrooms rationing out squares. Ha! I want to tell the rest of the stories, but Sis. Hayde reads this blog and Bro. One-Square-Per-Person might find out. :)) He is 'green'. What can I say? Al Gore and Sheryl Crow would approve of this behavior...
Hayde opening gifts from the guests.
People hanging out...
The 2 pastors talking.
P.S. ... Does anybody know what this is used for? We all have different opinions... Ketchup, honey, sugar, salad dressing, band aids? Or is it a windpipe?
Tomorrow's post should be good b/c Bro. Mario is going to be preaching for us! We are like so totally excited about this. :)
***Let me congratulate myself, as this is my 2nd post ever on this blog. Whoo.hoo.***
~Until next time- This has been blogging with Nicole!~
Great blogging Nicole!!
I need you to teach descriptive writing at my school....great use of adjectives!! :o) (When describing the family)
All kidding aside....Love the blog!
You and Bethany do a "fine" job describing the adventures in Mexico!
Love & Prayers,
Sis. K.
This is Nicole putting her amazing counting skills on display. There are 5 pictures, THANKYOUVERYMUCH!!!!!!!!!!
Astonishing, Beautimus, Carnivorous, (I got stuck in the C's....) Down right DANDY!! That was awesome, Aunt Cole!! If you need anymore great words, Sis. Miriam is FULL of ideas!!
Hope all is well in El Campo Del Wakefieldo.
Con Amor,
La Raina Tia Darlene~~ (WOW!) I continually impress myself!! Mucho impresarioed...uh, I think thats a computer....
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