The wonderful grandparents on Christmas Eve!
...Reading to Grampa and Gramma...
Nicole and I bought Austin a rabbit for Christmas. We were so excited about surprising him with this; he had been begging for one for a while. So we had to beg the mom, and finally she gave in...
Well, everyone came over for Christmas dinner. I had put the rabbit on my bed in a plastic bin and Ranger was outside. He was frantic and CRAZY for the rabbit. Well, Ranger got inside somehow and I went back to my room to check on Mr. Rabby...the tub was tipped over and the rabbit was nowhere in sight. After a minute, we found Ranger AND the rabbit in Austin's room, under the bed. He was missing a CHUNK of hair off his neck/back and had a little red hole/bite on his side. BUT HE WAS ALIVE!! So Ranger went BACK outside and the rabbit went into a box to get wrapped. Then, out into the living room he went to await his opening by the little boy.
We gave him the bag of rabbit pellets to open first.
He looked a little confused.
Finally getting to open the wiggling box
Austin and "Tom"
This rabbit is the most cuddly thing ever!
Mario and Hayde and their Christmas present :))
Dad and Tom aka Rabby
Gramma and the dessert table.
Playing Dominos
Austin using his imagination with 2 of his Christmas presents...
A rabbit catcher!
Nicole opening a present...
Nicole and Dad doing fireworks and spark sticks (what are they called?)
Grampa, Austin, Me/Bethany, Nicole, Abner, and Hermano Mario playing Clue on Christmas Eve.
Austin-O and me on New Years night. We stayed home and drank hot chocolate, ate traditional Christmas bread, and played Boggle.
Elder Wakefield
Bro. Mario encouraging everyone to read their Bibles through this year.
El Pastor Curtis Wakefield also pumping everyone up...
WOW thos deserts loook yummy!!! I miss you guys sooo much! Hoping to come visit sometime soon! Bethany your hair looks gorgeous all curled down! Dont forget to tell Nichole hi 4 me!
Thank you Jesus for the revival that is breaking out down ther! Praying for you!
Love you guys!
(PS your house looks really good!!! Came a looong way from what i saw down ther lol and tell austin i really like his rabbit!!)
Hey K-K-Kassia!
Well, whenever you want to come down here, we are just waiting. :)
And it's amazing what a little paint can do.
Love you too!
Disclaimer, Curtis does not comment on these posts and use of his name in this area is because my lovely daughter was logged in on my email account when she responded to a comment. Thanks, Dad (Curtis)
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