I did a boo-boo the other night...
We went out for coffee where they have WiFi one night after church (so I could post) and I think I threw away the memory card that had pictures of people getting the Holy Ghost on it. I'm so mad!! So here are SOME of the pictures...
This is Angelica. She prayed and prayed for the Holy Ghost then when she finally got it, she talked in tongues for about thirty minutes, after everyone else had calmed down.
Maribel got the Holy Ghost. Now that she has the Holy Ghost she worships, dances, shouts, and holds nothing back.
Jazmin getting the Holy Ghost...
This is Eduardo. In the middle of the song service he started shaking and crying. He says he got the Holy Ghost. Now I'm kicking myself for not going over there to hear for myself.
All of these kids are cousins. Two weeks ago, Angelica's mom and brother got the Holy Ghost. All of these people are being brought in by the men that built our house.
This past Sunday we started a new Sunday school class. Its called the Youth New Converts class. We have an adult new converts class, but I thought the kids needed something that would be taught at their level, by a younger person. So that younger person turned out to be me. So now the normal Sunday school class got split and I took the young people that have just gotten the Holy Ghost.
OH! And this past Sunday we had one more get the Holy Ghost and one backslidden young lady get refilled.
This is Mikaela. She just started coming in November. During the conference, actually.
...Time for church. :)
1 comment:
Halelujah! Halelujah! Halelujah! Halelujah!!!!
YAY!!! I have been coming back every few days to check, and was SO pleased to see you're BACK IN ACTION!! What a treat! We miss you SO much!! Adrianna is DYING for an Aunt Cole, and Aunt Beth FIX!!
No one snuggles with her here!!
HA! She stayed a few days at grama's, but without you guys, it just wasn't the same!! BOO HOO!!!
Well, we are on the count down to Aubrey's wedding!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!!?? 135 more days!!
Matt is coming on the 22nd of Jan to visit, so that will ease Aubrey's pain! HA! Anyway! We heard that you guys won't be coming! BUMMER!! Life does go on, but its just a little BUMPY-ER without you guys!!
Love and miss you SO MUCH!!
OXOXOX Love, Aunt Darlene, Aunt Lois, and Uncle Clark!!!
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