We're still going strong with our Sunday morning kid's church! I love being a part of this, knowing that our team of teachers and helpers are really making a difference in our colonia and the lives of the kids that step foot into our church.
Here's a few pictures from the first quarter. This past Sunday we started a new quarter and you'll get to see pics of that at the end of the post!
This was a couple Sundays ago. We had a good group of visitors and they all got to pick a first time visitor's prize from the gold box!

Bryan, an energetic little visitor, Eliu and Ailyn acting out Peter denying Jesus 3 times.
Beth and Pastor asking review questions and handing out tickets for candy!
Rocio and Bella teaching the kids a memory verse.
Visitors playing dress-up :)) This has to have been one of the funnest Sundays. All the little kids had to pick an item of clothing and act out the pastor, their mom or dad, another saint in the church, etc. The kids really came out of their shells :)))
I looove to see little Eddy's smile!
Now the previous Sunday was the funnest, but the next one had to have been the most dangerous--
This is Hna. Marisol passing out needles to all of the kids.
THIS is what she was holding and passing out to the throng of wee little chillens.
Now, she did not previously inform us that this would be part of her game of "Stab a kid in the eye".
Our gringo eyes nearly popped out of our heads. All we could do was shake our heads and say to each other, "This would not be happening in the US."
30 little kids with eager, evil glints in their eyes, were soon holding sewing pins.
Things could have gone terribly wrong... LOL.
In all actuality, Mexican kids ages 5-10 are very mature and are often fulfilling the responsibilities of teenagers in other countries. So holding a needle was nothing to them. They probably run holding while bouncing their baby brother on their hip.
.....The game they were playing was a competition with another team of little kids across the sanctuary where they had to pop a line a balloons on the wall that contained words to the verse they had to put in order as fast as they could. And they sure did it fast. And violently.... I was scared for their lives and mine so I quickly vacated the melee of forcefully swinging miniature, needle-equipped arms and hands. They had their job done pretty quickly so I came out from hiding to take pictures of the aftermath.
Hno. Baltazar leading a game of tic tac toe.
Snack time!
New theme! The past one was ship n' shore, and this one is more of a safari, jungle-y theme. So fun!
Hna. Elvira
Pastor reminding the kids about the Sunday school promotion that we're doing, and showing off the prize!
Looking forward to seeing more new little visitors.
Sarai, Choyo, and Bryan working on a project.
Ailyn doing her part. This little girl has not missed ONE sunday since we started this program! She is such a sweet, precious little girl. Can't wait to see what God does in her life and in her family's lives!
Blurry pic but this is what I love. Choyo's infectious laughter :))) He makes everything into silliness.
My baby Judah.
In this first quarter of Sunday school he was able to come once. One time out of 13 weeks of kid's church.
His momma backslid about 8 months ago and doesn't let him come to church. It breaks my heart not to be able to see this little guy and to know that he could be lost because of the decisions he can't control. This was the first time in about 5 months that he came to church.
He hasn't been back since.
Judah is a different little boy than the rest of all of our kids. He was an example for the rest of our kids, and honestly for the rest of our church.
He was always in the altars crying, seeking God.
He worshiped in song service.
The Sunday he came was no different.
During pre-service prayer I had to get something from the back of the church. On my way, I happened to glance over at his pew and saw something so precious and also a little disconcerting. There he was, with his Aunt, 3 cousins, and Gramma. And he was the only one kneeled praying. His family saw me walk and see this and quickly (and with embarrassment) turned to kneel and pray as well.
My heart breaks as I write this and I can't help but cry.
Please keep this little boy and his momma in your prayers.
Awwwww!!! PRAYING FOR JUDAH!!! He is ADORABLE!!! I know what you mean, it hurts and is frustrating when you see how parent's decisions affect the salvation of their own children!!!
Incredible Post! Not beeing biased ;P To see things happening in Mexico touches my heart. Praying for all the Kids, the church, Judah, and Mexico. God Bless
Thank you guys :)
I know this is an older post...and thus, this is kind of late for me to be commenting. But, I just had to say how sweet it is to hear of little Judah. I don't know him, but I have read about him (on here)so many times, and seen pictures. I have some kids that he reminds me of. Definitely breaks your heart.
I also had a quick question. Do ya'll make up your own theme and materials, or what do ya'll use?
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