Nicole says this is all so irrelevant, but since nothing interesting has happened today and being irrelevant can be at least INTERESTING (I hope) ...
A few days before Christmas, Dolores (the young lady who does Sunday school) and I went downtown to buy some supplies for Sunday school. We both love going to "El Centro"-mostly during Christmas time to look at the decorations and lights. We came upon one of the Catholic churches and, much to my delight, there was a horse and carriage inside the gates. I love horses and couldn't resist going in to pet him. There was a man outside with the horse answering other curious passersby's (passerbys-ha) questions. He told us the horse was there to escort the bride and groom--there was a wedding going on inside. I'd never been to a Catholic wedding so---in we went!
It was a little strange. Very different from a 'normal' least all the weddings that I'd ever been to. There was this priest in front talking in a boring, monotone voice, which went perfectly with the boring service. I mean, no special speakers, no cute little kids on the platform to make the wedding memorable, no words from the parents, and NO special songs! I mean, songs are a must have!
Anyways, with all the stories we've read on the news lately, I'm a little hmmm...WARY...of priests, to say the least. Well, this guy classified as my imagination's stereotypical "pervert priest". Sweaty face, greasy hair, and that annoying chunk of "stylish" hair dangling in his eyes.
...Who's he trying to look like anyways? Superman?! Well, if he was, he wasn't pulling it off very succesfully. (I was wishing Superman would fly in to take this wack job away.) Hence the word "pedophile" immediately popping into my brain.
This is what first piqued my interest. Things got much more interesting though...
During the ceremony all these kids came filing into a different section of the church and up onto the stage. They started chanting catechisms, crossing themselves, and kissing their thumbs. It was sad.
I mean, if they could just come to one of OUR Sunday school classes, they would never go back to this...
The ceiling of the cathedral.
Bride and groom being cursed by Mr. I-Just-Got-In-From-Jogging-5-Miles-And-Didn't-Have-Time-to-Wash-My-Face.
The rope around the bride and groom is the Catholic version of a unity candle.
And one last 'irrelevant' picture:
The Catholic people here do not put Jesus in the manger until the 24th.
And manger scenes are extremely offensive to the once Catholic people in our church because they actually used to
worship Mary and the baby in the manger scene. To us it is just a decoration, but to them, it is a form of idolatry.
Ok. I'm done being irrelevant. Maybe the next post will be more substantial?