Monday, September 9, 2013

Outreach and Kid's Church!

Sunday morning we went out for outreach. We go around the colonia with a speaker either on the top of the car or, this time, inside this this little tricycle. We play music and a little announcement about the kid's service and give out candy and fliers. 
We are becoming well known and popular with the kids in the colonia. :))  
I love to see the little kids popping out of doorways when they hear us getting closer and closer!


These kids were so excited to see the puppets!
^All the kids and people in the background waiting in the doorways for us! Love it!^

They love the lion and love putting their hands in his mouth.
When he bites them they scream and laugh and run away! So cute :))

 We caught some kids singing along with the recording we play on the streets! Precious.

These boys are always here at the gate staring out of their gate holding onto the bars like they're in some kind of prison. For some reason it makes me think of Hansel and Gretel. :))
We make sure they get their candy too. :)

 Kid's church!
We had a good mix of first time visitors and others that have been coming since the beginning of the program. We had about 23 in total. (Some came in late and others were too shy to sit in the front).

 Israel and Paola.
My heart goes out to this little girl. I met her Sunday morning on outreach.
She was all smiles, so happy as I told her about kid's church!

Pastor leading the kid's songs.

The kids split up into 2 teams and had a relay race.

 Marvin taught the lesson.
He kept them laughing and entertained.

 Ailyn. She is the cutest little girl!

We've been trying to get these two girls to come for a while now, so we were so happy to see them!
Before yesterday they passed by the church several times just asking for candy and wanting to know when the kids program would be.
^Jaquelin and Guadalupe^

Marvin and Paola diggin' in the dirt looking for the next object of the lesson

Conference is this weekend and we'll be doing a special kid's service on Sunday... We're hoping to have even more kids and parents so pray with us for that!


1 comment:

Jennifer Connell said...

Aww, precious! I love kid's church! Thanks for sharing!

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