This is Bethany typing and Nicole is sitting shotgun. Dad's in the backseat. We had all these grand ideas about what we would write and now we are all drawing a blank. ;)) But let me start by saying we are missionaries to Puebla, Mexico. I am 18 and Nicole is 16 and we are the designated bloggers.
Well, this past Thursday the Lee Wilson family arrived in Mexico. They are a wonderful family. Nicole and I especially enjoyed hanging out with Cassia Wilson.
Friday we had a back to school service for the youth of Pastor Glenn Wakefield's (my Grampa) and Pastor Curtis Wakefield's church. About 20 of my kids from Sunday school, the youth from my Grampa's church, and adults from both churches came. We were packed out!! Bro. Wilson preached that the youth should not use the excuse "I'm just a child". We should live for God in our youth instead of putting it off until we are 'grown'. The kids really prayed in the altar. It was so exciting to see!
Saturday was Ladies' Retreat at Elder Wakefield's church, then on Sunday Bro. Wilson preached again there.
This is Cassia singing at the youth service. She did so wonderful, she has a beautiful voice. To top it off, she sang in Spanish! What a blessing!
Maribel, Jazmin, and Alejandra praying.
So we had a SUPER busy, but fun weekend.
Thank you so much to the Wilsons for coming to Puebla and blessing us with your ministry! We appreciated it and so did the churches.
Cheers for our first post!!
~Bethany and Nicole~
Awesome blog!! So glad that we can keep up with all of the happenings in Mexico!!
We're praying for you all!!
Sis. Kendrick
PS...Tell your family Hola!
YAY! I love the blog!!!! It's nice to see pics of all that is happening in Puebla! I will be praying for the work there and ESPECIALLY for the sunday school kids whom i know Bethany loves so much! Thanks for sharing the awesome things that God is doing in Puebla!
Love ya,
Caty (your #1 viewer ;) lol ) are really good at this for your first time! Good job :)...that is really sad about your mom's laptop though *sad face* I miss you both a lot!
I'm so excited you guys made a blog! :) I miss you guys lots and lots :)And Nicole,.... I can't believe you ate that grasshopper! lol :)I love you guys! :)
Chlo *Cletis* =D
Hey little cuties! That was great. It's better than my blog since I don't have one.
I love you! That was just like being with you a few minutes. Now Rachel from my church is going to talk.
Aunt Debbie
Hi girls! I am so happy you guys have a blog:)I had such a blast with you girls especially at Pinkberry;) ha ha! Anyway love you guys!
Bethany and Nicole,
hey guys im sooo excited that i found your blogg!=-) i miss you guys soooo much! i want to go and visit you guys. that would be such a blast. well hopefully you guys can go to amc! i hope you guys go! well its supa exciting to hear what is going on in mexico! i love your blogg its so cute! WELL I cant wait to see you all tell your family i said hello! te quiero todos mucho y espera linada hasta nosotros podemos encontranrnos para arriba otra vez!!! ame su ashlyn amigo=) (lol!! like my spanish!! lol!!)
Hello Bethany and Nicole!
I'm so excited to find your blog! Can't wait to read your next adventure... hopefully no more broken windows!
The Wilsons are some of my good friends - they introduced me to my husband 20 years ago!!
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