Thursday, January 11, 2018

Around My Place

I came home from school and my little neighbor kids were out on the front porch playing ball. I noticed that Edgar and I had on the same shoes. :)

Me and Ximena
Edgar had English homework one day so he came over and did it at my house so I could help him.

Ximena wasn't about to miss out on the fun so I pulled a coloring book out for her.

All of a sudden she started looking very uncomfortable. A couple minutes passed and I got a whiff of a not-so-sweet-smelling savor. She hopped down from her chair and ran back to her house. She came back a bit later all clean and bathed and smelling like a bouquet of flowers!

I shut one of my little friend's octopus legs in the freezer. That was a sad day because it was a particularly long strand which I was very proud of.

I love it when Austin comes over - we listen to stories and I feed him my leftovers and treats.

Soledad stayed with me for a few weekends when she'd come for church on Sunday. Areli, her granddaughter, came with her once and just loved the rug in my living room. Rolled and rolled and played around on it.

I found a huge beetle in my garage...

The trash truck comes around each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in my neighborhood. You have to put your trash out at just the right time, but you can't really predict what time the trash guys will be by. You can't put it out too early or the dogs will have a hay day with it. I pretty much always miss the trash truck because I'm either not home to put my trash out or I don't get it out in time. 

Well, it was getting bad and my trash was piling up. I was determined to have it picked up this day. I put it out on the street like usual, but placed it right under my second-story bedroom window so I could check on it. Whenever the stray dogs would get close and start sniffing at it, I'd dump a huge glass of water on them. They never knew where it came from, but it'd send them running for the hills! 
This is a great tactic.

This is a house up the road from the church... 
They want everyone to know something, as they've spray painted the message on both sides of the house... 

(That moment when apparently your neighbors believe they own prime real estate.)

This is a sign down the street from my house...cracks me up!!! 
The yellow one - says "Estetica Paul Mitchell" which means, Paul Mitchel Beauty Salon. HAHA!!! 

I originally took these pictures of my dinners so I'd have a little food diary for the future when I couldn't think of anything to fix myself to eat....(And to send to Nicole and Gramma to compare notes on what we are all fixing for dinner LOL...)
Never planned on blogging it. 
But I ran across these pictures just now and thought...Well, for my own memories sake...  
These were the glory days - when I'd fix myself these perfect meals for one... It took me a while to find my groove with cooking for just me. I finally figured it out though and take it as a personal challenge of sorts.
Chicken, cauliflower and mushroom, and sweet potato
Omelette, cauliflower, fruit with yogurt and hot tea
Cauliflower pilaf, green beans, and what we called beef milanesa. Beef flattened out real thin.
Pork flattened out real thin, green beans, cauliflower pilaf
Mushrooms, cauliflower pilaf, salmon, and salad
I got on a green-bean kick apparently, lol! 
Cauliflower pilaf, green beans and tilapia. Yeah, that cauliflower pilaf got a little old - ha!
 And a little party food for good measure - 
We got a new restaurant in Puebla called Wild Dog. Delicious food! This is a chili dog...

And a burger...

A store in the mall called "Hussi". LOL. Fitting! Because look at the type of clothes they sell...

 We passed a billboard in town one night that was apparently having technical difficulties. I wonder if the person behind the screen knew they were projecting their desktop up for the whole city to see? 

And the last of these funny things I've seen around town lately...
A BMW Golf! Haha! 


Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Now She REALLY Isn't Going to Blog...

I got this reminder on my phone the other day. I made this note one day when Nicole and I were teaching school and discussing her upcoming move. (When she was dating Johnny and possibly moving to Idaho.)

She was talking about not being in Mexico for the next blog anniversary and I replied, "Well you never blog anyways so that is pretty fitting!" 

She was there when I put this in my calendar to be reminded one year later. I asked her if she had anything to say for the future and she said she hoped she'd be loving her new life.

To jog your memory on me and Nicole's past blogging fueds, please refresh here:

We go way back.


Sunday, January 7, 2018

Ginger Almost Killed Us All

 A few months ago, I heard some crazy barking up on my roof. It was Ginger, my neighbor's dog, and she was going nuts. My neighbors were gone so if Ginger was to be quieted, I was going to have to do it. 

I went upstairs to the roof and found her all tangled up in the washboard stand. Sigh. 
Why someone would get a dog just to tie it up on the roof, I do not know. 

I let her free and that was that.

A few months later, it happened again. I heard the panicked barking, barking, barking. I go up and to my horror, Ginger had gotten herself tangled up in my gas tank and it was on its side spewing gas. It sounded exactly like what you'd imagine - gas under extreme pressure, escaping a metal tank. It scared me! In a show of adrenaline-fueled strength, I lifted the tank and set it upright, and turned the nozzle to shut the flow of gas off.
I'm exaggerating about the show of extreme strength... altho it was very heavy!!!
Upon closer inspection, I could see how the tank landed on the hose nozzle and broke it, which was where the gas was escaping from. 

I took this picture after righting the situation.
Ginger looks like how I was feeling. Frazzled and spooked - HA!!

Then came the awkward talk with my neighbors. "Hi, umm..your dog broke the hose to my gas tank and you basically now owe me a whole new tank of gas..." 

It went well though and we have managed to stay friends through it all. :D 


Thursday, January 4, 2018

Church As of Late

I have a little church update, some random pictures of what's been going on in the past few months, and new developments. 

Sis. Marisol is consistently playing in church now!

Sara is also playing and singing in church!

Sis. Bella took drum lessons and should be starting to play in church very soon...

These are a few pictures from our last trimester of Sunday schoool...

Grubby little piggies... desperate need of new shoes!

Jerusalem city background...

Sis Marisol, Sis Elvira, and Sis Bella made this tree
I traced this picture...
...then colored it. So fun!
Sis. Alejandra and I saying hi to Nicole in Idaho!
Pastor Isai came and preached for us some weeks back. He did an awesome job! He talked about the carrying God's yoke, and partnering up with the right person.

In other news - 
Austin can touch his foot to his forehead!

Let's all give him a round of applause! 


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