Last week, Dad, Austin, and I went to Uriangato to take care of Pastor Voan's church while he is traveling in the US. I really like Uriangato. It is a tiny little town, everyone is zooming around on motorcycles, and the people are so nice! You can walk to pretty much any place you'd like to go. The first time we went to Uriangato, the Voans had only been there a few months and they were having services in their garage. When we arrived this time, we saw their new church. It is beautiful! It is actually a part of their backyard and has a tin roof, but they have plants and trees all over the place and Bro. Voan did a really cool cement job on the floor. It is pinkish red and just looks super neat!
We got there Saturday evening and stayed until Wednesday.
El Pastor on Sunday morning
Last year, this young lady in the orange shirt was visiting for the first time the Uriangato church for the first time. She was stand-offish in the service and everyone said she was very Catholic. I don't remember all the details of the story, but her husband had just started coming and had gotten baptized and gotten the Holy Ghost. I was very happy to hear that she now has the Holy Ghost and has gotten baptized! It was good to see her in the altar praying.
This little guy has dimples even when he's not smiling - aww!
The church
This is how people ride around town
Tuesday night Bible study
A man and his cute!!!
Austin and his new little friend
Best buddies!
The ride home was supposed to last 5 hours. It ended up being almost 8! Yikes. But it was an adventure...and this little guy is a good traveling friend. He likes to snuggle! :)
Remember to pray for Mexico, please! Not just the Wakefields in Puebla, but for all of the Apostolic churches throughout Mexico - including the church in Uriangato. Bro Voan and his wife are doing a good work there are we are looking forward to hearing of more souls being won to the Lord.
This is neat, Bro. Voan presented a slideshow Sunday night @ Burbank. Pretty awesome!
This is awesome! Will definitely keep them in prayer. That is my home state and I am very familiar with the (buzzing everywhere) motorcycles when I visit since this is the "city" we often end up in. Glad to see the church growing there!
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