Saturday, December 30, 2017

Market with Carmen

I went to the market the other day for my weekly grocery shopping trip... 


 If, by some strange turn of events, I were to leave Mexico, this will be the fruit I miss most. Nanche. 
They are like cherries in that they have a big seed in the middle, but aren't similar in taste or texture. They have a unique and inexplicable flavor. I just asked Nicole to describe what they taste like and she replied, "Ummm...barf?" 
I'd have to disagree with that. LOL. However, I am the only one in my family that likes nanches.

Sis. Carmen had been raving about tacos de barbacoa (in this case it was goat barbacoa). She wanted to take me to the place in the market that had the best ones. 

Raw meat...and a few inches away, our cooked barbacoa. This is where one sincerely prays, "Lord, don't let me get sick!"
 Fresh hot tortillas being made...

The tacos were ok...goat meat has never been my favorite, but Carmen sure did enjoy it! 

Back at the produce side of the market, I ended up buying a cauliflower, honey dew, cantaloupe, strawberries, figs, green beans, peas, broccoli, tomatoes, limes, lettuce, spinach, quinoa, carrots, and Oaxaca cheese...
It all came to about $18 USD.

This little guy came sluggin' out of  my lettuce...think about it though. How many of these do we eat in a lifetime?? Now THAT is BARF....
How to soak your produce in bulk: 
Pull out the drawer in your fridge and fill 'er up! 

 What a very *productive* day...heh heh...


Thursday, December 21, 2017

Outreach in Puebla

Lately we've been going to the center of town and evangelizing. Dad and Valentin go on their own a lot and pray for sick people and beggars, talk with street vendors and people selling stuff. On the weekend, the church people go out to different places around the city to invite people to church and to tell them about Jesus. It seems like each family has their favorite area they like to go to - Dad's is Puebla's historic downtown.
If you look closely, you can see Dad, Mom...and Austin crutching down the walkway.
There are always crowds of people to be found in this area of town.
Bro Valentin passing out fliers

WARNING: There are two really gross pictures coming up. If you can't stomach that kind of thing, then scroll down quickly with your eyes closed!! 

A couple months ago, Dad and Valentin met a beggar that has sat in front of one of the popular cathedrals for years. I remember when he first was there - his leg was broken and torn up terribly. His leg wasn't in a bandage and he had the open, raw wound visible for passersby to see. 
A few years have passed since then and the skin on his leg has healed up, but he was left crippled. 

So like I was saying, Dad introduced himself to this man and started talking with him. He found out this man hurt his leg while on the job. He asked what happened to get his leg to this stage and he said that they had operated on it and it didn't heal correctly. Dad asked him what the name of his surgeon was. Turns out it was Dr. Rojas, the SAME doctor that operated on Austin's broken leg earlier this year and messed it up. We were blown away to hear of this injustice! What a tragedy! Austin was able to go to the U.S. to an American doctor that knew what he was doing and get his leg fixed. He has recovered wonderfully!
This man however is now left to beg in the streets with gangrene with no recourse.

Austin's leg was broken in almost this same spot and his doctor in Mexico put in these same plates and screws. If you look closely, you can see the metal plate in the open wound on this man's leg. Dad said the wound smelled terrible, like death. Flies and gnats were trying to get at it and his leg was obviously extremely infected.
We now have found out he is going to have to have the leg amputated. This injury and botched operation could very well cause his death. 

Dad felt a very strong burden for this man seeing that our family just went through this trial a few months ago. He prayed for the man, witnessed to him, invited him to church. The man responded positively so Dad went to pick him up for church that next Sunday. It was then that this beggar man told Dad he couldn't go to church on Sundays because that was his biggest day for alms. Isn't that astounding? We couldn't believe he would prefer to make money over having Jesus heal him and save his soul. 

Dad has continued to visit this man and try to work with him, but he does not seem interested. He doesn't realize the danger his life is in and that the solution to all his problems is right in front of him.



Mom and I walked this busy bridge back and forth many times passing out fliers and inviting people to church.

There was an incline to climb the bridge which made for good cardio...

Come down the other side, stretch your legs and go back up again...!

The things you see on outreach...


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