Hello, hello! Hooray for getting back on the blogging schedule!
Today was our first day of school! We are starting our FIFTH year of school. That seems hard to believe, but on the other hand, it seems we've been at this forever. This is our life now and it is hard to remember how things were before. What did we used to do with our time?!
Summer is officially over and school has begun. We have a very exciting new addition to our class - our very first GIRL! Can you believe that in four years of schooling we've only ever had BOYS?? Nicole and I are so happy to have Sara with us this year! We now have a ninth grader, two seventh graders, a sixth grader and a fifth grader.
Sarita |
I've already seen a glimpse into how Sara will change the ambience of the classroom. She is playful, lively and likes to egg these boys on! As the only girl, she has a special edge. If I were her, I'd definitely be demanding my due honor on the playground! At recess, I saw how her and Austin made quite the team. They are probably going to end up getting the other boys in trouble....they are mischievous!
We started the day off with prayer. Dad taught the Bible class for the morning - he spoke about good teachers and good students of the Bible.
The opening prayer of the day wouldn't be complete without Beau wandering in and finding someone to snuggle up to. In this case, he meandered in when all eyes were closed, leaned his body on my legs then slowly slid down to the ground in a puddle of laziness. In Beau-speak, that means "rub my chest with your foot."
While Dad was teaching Bible, I looked out the window to see the volcano letting out a very dark-colored plume of smoke. At first I thought it was just a weird cloud because it was coming out of the side of the volcano, but it quickly grew larger and larger.
Of course I immediately go to google to see what is happening. Sure enough, there was a small explosion that threw ash over the city of Mexico. (We are in Puebla so we didn't get any!)
After a nice belly-rub, Beau went and flopped down in front of my desk. That was this morning, and now at the end of the day, he hasn't budged. He is currently snoring softly. As long as he doesn't start producing offensive odors due to his total relaxation, he can stay!
Beau seems pretty happy to be back to his normal school schedule. I think this spot is much more comfortable than his dog house. |
I get a kick out of reading time. After lunch, the kids come in and choose a book to read for the next half hour. It kind of makes me happy to see Austin prop his foot up on his desk...to watch Fabby get lost in a book while slowly spinning in his chair...everyone just relaxes and things are calm. Seeing this made me really happy to be back in school.
The teachers :) |
I hate myself for admitting it, but this selfie stick is so handy. |
All the kiddos! |
Here's to another great school year!