Friday, June 10, 2016

Last Day of School 2016

Today is our last day of school! Woo hoo! 

Beau chilling on the new school office couches
Our day started with Bible class, as usual, then we did an hour of math. After this the kids spent about an hour cleaning up their desks, their computers and straightening up the school. In celebration of this special and long-awaited day, we had pizza delivered for lunch! I got out my selfie stick and had some fun with it. (I am ashamed to admit I own one...IT WAS A GIFT THOUGH!) I was imagining a more official looking picture, but a selfie stick is harder to wield than it looks!

Here we have:
Austin, B-R, Turkey, Fabz, Bro. Valentin - groundskeeper and Bible teacher, Pastor - principal and Bible teacher, and me and Nicole - trying to make it to heaven - HA.
As the year wound down, the closer Nicole and I came to completely LOSING IT. This summer is going to be a great time of rejuvenation. 

Pizza smothered in Valentina hot sauce
 As the kids ate, I went around with the selfie stick, sticking in their faces and up their noses. 
("Trent, why are you filming up my nostrils?") 

Eating pizza

These guys each ate SIX PIECES OF PIZZA!
Everyone thought the selfie stick was hilarious!
Nicole enjoying her lunch and the fact that she is officially on BREAK!!!
 I got a little daring and decided to hang my phone out the window for a picture with the actual school building...from the third story. My palms were sweating.
It was SO BRIGHT outside though, we got mostly ones like this:

1...2...3...OK OPEN YOUR EYES
 The boys will be coming for the next few weeks for an hour of math class with our new math tutor. He's awesome!!! He is the brother of a man in our church and is in college studying to be a math professor. He is a total answer to prayer!!! I've taught math for the past four years, but as the kids progress, it has gotten harder for me - teaching math in another language is a whole 'nother level of Spanish that I do NOT speak! And math can be difficult even in ones own language....

Things calmed down for the last few days of school; everyone was finishing up their work and wrapping up loose ends. The days were beautiful and sunny so Beau and I would sit outside and work on our tans. I took on the task of grooming him and getting all his loose hair out. This dog is a shedding machine. 

He enjoyed all this attention - if you couldn't tell.
 He'd get this glazed expression on his face whenever I'd start combing him. 
Nicole says this is Beau, trying to look like a Disney princess - HAHA!!

It's been a good year. I really can't believe that it is already over. I remember opening up the year's new lessons on the first day of school and scrolling down all the way to the last lesson and thinking, "We will be here in no time." Sometimes in the moment, and especially in these past few weeks, it felt like the days were dragging on and on. Nicole and I have had to fight spiritual and attitudal battles. Some were on the part of the kids and some were just between Nicole and I - HA! We can laugh about it now - thank God it is overrrrr! Bring on summer break! Bring on the warm weather, sun, and water fights! I am ready for family time and all the good things these next couple of months shall bring.
Us and the boys
Since we will be out of our normal schedule and on our computers less, we will be blogging less! We appreciate your understanding as we recuperate our energy :D I still plan to blog, but with no particular frequency or schedule.

We love all our readers and appreciate your support and encouragement throughout this school year! We enjoy telling our stories and hearing back from all of you. Your comments brighten up our days! Thank you for going on this journey with us this past school year. We look forward to taking you all along with us again for this next one - our fifth year of teaching school!



Amy Bailes said...

School ended for us 3 weeks ago. I love school but the last week is truly a killer. I had to pray extra that week. My attitude was not good. Have fun this summer...

As one teacher to another, I know you deserve it!

The Wakefields: Missionaries to Mexico said...

I'm glad to hear someone out there can relate.
The longest week ever!!!!!!

You have a good summer too!


Laura Wyatt said...

Awww! I just realized (Cherie informed me actually during a conversation ) that you guys blog at set times! I sure look forward to these posts! Ben sure does too! Glad you all are getting a well deserved break tho. Will be looking forward to the posts whenever we can get them!!!

Unknown said...

God answers prayer! i.e. The Math Teacher!

The Wakefields: Missionaries to Mexico said...

Yep, Mondays and Wednesdays we try to blog! It won't be as constant during this summer break but we will still be on here once in a while...or maybe a little more often than that :P

Thanks for reading!!


The Wakefields: Missionaries to Mexico said...

Yesssss! No more shackles, no more chains....I am freeeeeee!!! Hahahahah😅😅🙌🏽


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