...to me! And also, another late Happy Birthday to Austin, who's birthday was on the 1st of this month!
The 10th fell on a Wednesday, which is the busiest day of the week, so I was not expecting much partying to happen. We start with school, after school Beth teaches piano lessons, then our weekly Sunday School meeting, and then right after the meeting we have Wednesday night Bible study!
I received many, many sweet texts and phone calls from friends and family throughout the day. Thank you to all of you that remembered little ol' me. :)) I love you all!!
During the meeting, the Sunday School team surprised me with a little celebration with cookies, jello, and arroz con leche, and sang to me. It was so sweet and made the day feel so much more memorable. :)
I love all of these people <3 |
Jello is a big deal here in Mexico. The people think of it as an amazing delicacy, and is made into beautiful designs and shapes. I know that probably sounds funny to the Americans reading this post - jello is not something most of us hold highly. I happen to love jello though... Maybe it is that I came here at such a young age and have been thus influenced.
Here is my birthday jello-- vanilla on the bottom, grape in the middle, a layer of starfruit and chopped walnuts, then anise jello on the top! Quite fancy :) |
Austin had his birthday in the U.S. and he chose to go to the shooting range! It was his first time to shoot a gun and he loved it!
We all had fun with this birthday trip. :D
Shooting is fun! If I lived in a country where guns were legal, I would be going to the shooting range weekly! :))
I love being the one behind the gun, shooting. It was a very different feeling when my little brother was shooting the gun. I wanted a wall to hide behind. LOL. But in his defense, he was not in any way reckless with his gun... He treated it with caution and followed all the posted gun guidelines. :))
(Those noise cancellation ear things are not made for high hairdos!)
On Thursday we got together with Elder and Sis. Wakefield to celebrate all of our birthdays together. Elder Sis. Wakefield's birthday is coming up on the 22nd and we not be together to celebrate on the actual day, so we celebrated hers a little early as well!
Amazing ceviche!!! |
The food at this restaurant was amazing!! Yum.
This little man immediately went into the mall to buy himself a birthday knife!
Our beautiful Gramma, opening her presents.
Thank you to everyone who wished us a happy birthday! We love and appreciate you all so much!
Happy Birthday to you all! Austin: not so little man anymore...it's a bummer little brothers actually grow up :,( lol!
Happy Birthday to Austin, Nicole, and Grandma Wakefield! :)
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