Friday, November 28, 2014

Together Again on Thanksgiving

Yesterday was Thanksgiving which also happened to be the day our parents and Austin were going to be flying in. This is not the actual Thanksgiving post, but a preview. 
I just wanted to show you all how tall Austin has gotten this past month. Before Austin went to the States at the end of October, I was half an inch taller than he was. As you can see, he has now surpassed both Nicole and I in height - no squinting and wondering necessary. 

This is Austin's favorite outfit. His overalls. He'd wear them everyday if he could - he loves looking like a farmer.
When he first got them, he couldn't wait to wear them to Starbucks (a pretty classy place here in Mexico). 

We were supposed to both kiss Austin at the same time - 1...2...3...nope, didn't turn out! 

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