Thursday, January 10, 2013

Conferencia Espiritu Santo!

I love conferences.... Really I do. I love feeling a powerful move of God, seeing so many people draw close to God together, and I love seeing people filled with the Holy Ghost!
(It's just the socializing part that's not my favorite.... Give me a nice little corner in a room full of people and I'm happier than a ...a really happy thing.... LOL) :)
Okay now, I'm not sure if conference is the right word to use for this get-together....
Well, Merriam-Webster just cleared that up for me! According to her, a conference is:
"1 a: a meeting of two or more persons for discussing matters of common concern".
So we'll call this event a "conference"-- It's actually very fitting. There were definitely more than two people, and we were discussing matters of common concern!! And what was our common concern?
The Holy Ghost!
That was the "theme" of this conference. Receiving the Holy Ghost!
This time our conference was just a "Mexican" thing. :) No visitors from the states.
Almost all of the churches in our fellowship here were able to make it! And, all of the preaching was done by some of our national pastors. Every message was powerful and anointed. It was such a blessing to us and our people. For days afterwards they were still talking about how wonderful it was!
Abner preached the first message of the conference. He did an amazing job. Unfortunately, we have no picture since Beth and I were leading music that night, and on the platform the whole service.
This right is actually the only picture I have of him!
Now, these pictures are a bit mixed up--
Blogger is being a real pain for me these days....
Ni modo! Here they are:
Pastor praying with Paco
Bro. Alfredo Perez, missionary to San Juan del Rio, preached the next day in the morning service.
He has an awesome testimony.
My little Judah praying in the altar, seeking the Holy Ghost!
After the morning service we served lunch to everyone.
The kid's table....
Emanuel, Abby, Choyo, and some silly kid on the end there :))
Bro. David Garcia
Judah worshiping during song service.
It made me so happy to see him next to me praying, singing along, and worshiping!
I pray that he keeps the same attitude as he grows up!
In the evening service, Hno. Irving Garcia from Chalco preached.
This is Marisol praying with a teenage girl from Cuautla.
God filled her with the Holy Ghost for the first time in this conference!
Celia Perez and I. She's a sweetheart :)
 This lady also received the Holy Ghost in the conference!!
I watched her walk to the altar and just seconds after starting to pray, she began talking in tongues!
Obed praying for his little cousin, Jabes.
Sis. Elvira led the service the next morning.
She had some of our women come up to give their testimony and tell everyone about when they got the Holy Ghost. Marisol here was one of them.

Fani also gave her testimony.
Elder Wakefield preached that morning.
Some of the men praying for Bro. Gelacio.
Ino and Bethany praying with Fabian
Clara, the lady in the pink sweater, got the Holy Ghost a few weeks before this meeting.
She's from Elder Wakefield's church.
After the morning service, lunch was served again-- But this time the south side church prepared it.
Mole Poblano... Yum.
Bro. Dad preached the night service, the last one of the conference.
Everyone was exhausted by the time my dad got up to preach. We had been going 90 miles an hour for three days, worshiping, dancing, amen-ing, clapping, and praying....  Sis. Marisol later told me, "My flesh was so tired on the last night, but my spirit was so awake and excited to hear the Word!!"
But even though we were exhausted, God was not!
 Dad preached an anointed message, and when it came time for altar call, the people forgot their exhaustion. They came once again to pray and seek God as if they had not already spent two days doing the same!
This was Conchi's first time to really, really pray and seek God.
She could hardly stop!
Another young lady from Cuautla got the Holy Ghost!
After the last service, altar call ended, and we took communion.
It was such a wonderful, moving time, remembering how Jesus died for us on the cross, so that our sins could be washed away.
Bethany and Eliana after service. 
Judah and his second mommy :))
The conference was a wonderful, refreshing time spent in God's presence.
I'm so thankful to God for those that were filled with the Holy Ghost!

1 comment:

Lauren Bundy said...

Oh my word!!! This post made me cry! I absolutely love seeing God moving in so many ways!! By-the-way, My name is Lauren, I am from Oklahoma (Pastor Gary Howard's church). We have never met but I have been keeping up with your blog (unofficially) for a LONG time!! I recently went on a cruise to Mexico and actually got to see some of the 'real' Mexico.-even the meats hanging in the market...(which I am not fond of)BUT I loved it!! Anyways, I pray that continues to use you and your family! =D

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